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Frequently Asked Questions
Explore all of our FAQs including support questions, grant questions and eligibility, and Walk For Awareness information.
I'm dealing with grief, how can I cope?Coping with grief and bereavement following suicide can be an emotional and draining experience. Losing someone you love, or someone close to you can have a significant impact on your daily life and you may experience a range of difficult and perhaps surprising emotions. Connecting with someone around you and sharing your feelings can be an important step towards healing.
I need help now!Get immediate assistance Please note: The Mental Awareness Foundation website does not provide crisis intervention or counselling. The information here is not a substitute for professional care. If you are in need of urgent support or are worried about someone, please contact your local GP (doctor) or the agencies below. If your need is life threatening, call 000. 1800 RUOKDAY (1800 7865 329) This number connects you to five of Australia’s crisis and information lines: Lifeline, Suicide Call Call Back Service, Kids Helpline, SANE Australia helpline and beyondblue Info Line. It is a free call from any landline in Australia. If you are calling from a mobile phone, call Lifeline on 13 11 14 to connect to 24/7 phone counselling for free. National help lines and centres Lifeline 24/7 telephone counselling service 13 11 14 Suicide Call Back Service 24/7 telephone counselling for people at risk of suicide, carers and bereaved 1300 659 467 Kids Helpline 24/7 telephone and online counselling for young people 5–25 years 1800 55 1800 Reach Out! Online crisis and mental health information for young people SuicideLine Victoria 24/7 telephone counselling for people at risk of suicide, carers and bereaved 1300 651 251 Gambling Helpline 24/7 telephone counselling, information and referral for people affected by gambling 1800 858 858 Telephone Interpreter Service If English is not your first language please call the Telephone Interpreter Service for assistance contacting a helpline 131 450 Helplines and information SANE Australia Helpline Mental health information, weekdays 9am–5pm 1800 187 263 Headspace Mental health services and support for young people 12–25 years beyondblue Info Line Information about depression, anxiety and related disorders 1300 224 636 Black Dog Institute Information about depression and bipolar disorder
What can you expect when grieving?Everyone deals with grief and bereavement differently. There are no right or wrongs in the grieving process and we all will cope in our own way. The best thing we can do for people when they are grieving, or when we ourselves are experiencing grief, is to be patient and as understanding as possible. There is no ‘normal’ timetable for grieving, and it may take weeks, months or years to begin to sort through feelings and emotions and make sense of what has happened. Some things to consider when dealing with grief and loss: It is normal and healthy to feel and express intense and painful emotions. Grieving is important for healing. Each person’s experience is unique. Over time, sometimes years, the pain will diminish but it is normal for these intense emotions to resurface periodically. Unexpressed or prolonged grief may mean professional help is needed.
What are the signs of grief?It’s important to remember that there is no exact science in regards to grief and loss; everyone experiences grief and loss in their own way. However people may experience some, or none, of the following: Shock or disbelief Anger Guilt Shame Overwhelming sadness Fear Physical symptoms like stomach pain, headaches, sleeplessness, weight loss or nausea, etc Constantly asking “Why?” These are a normal part of the grieving process. However, there is a difference between complicated grief, clinical depression and/or other mental health issues, and people should be aware of symptoms like: Intense longing or thoughts about the person gone Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness Extreme unexplained fatigue or lack of motivation Seeing or hearing things Complete denial, or belief the person is still alive Inability to function at work or school Searching for the person in familiar places Thoughts of suicide or a preoccupation with dying If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these, or similar extreme emotions or feelings, seek the help of a professional.
What can I do?It can take time to learn to cope with bereavement due to loss. However, there are a number of other steps that you could take that may assist you in the grieving process. Speak to your GP or a counsellor (experienced in grief and bereavement issues) Ring a counselling support line like Lifeline on 13 11 14 Speak with a friend, family member or someone you trust Tell and retell your story to a trusted friend to help you to make sense of what has happened Ensure you eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, sleep and look after yourself Join a support group Access online resources, such as those available on WINGS of Hope:
How can I help someone through grief?You may feel that someone is not coping with it in the way you would, but this does not make them wrong, or you right. Everyone deals with loss in their own manner, and will need time and support and encouragement to help them cope in their own way. Some hints to assist you to help someone close to you: Listen to them (even if you’ve heard the story before) Spend time with them and don’t avoid judgement or advice Help them to locate appropriate professional counselling Start a bereavement support group if one does not already exist in your area Supporting the bereaved can be emotionally and physically exhausting. Make sure you get the support you need so that you can continue to support them. If grieving is prolonged and is beginning to affect your ability to function, seek professional help. Studies show that people who are bereaved by suicide often have thoughts of suicide themselves. While this may be common, get help to support you through these feelings. For more information on suicide prevention, download a toolkit from
How do I start a bereavement support group?Lifeline has recently created a world first best practice Standards & Guidelines and Practice Handbook, to assist people to facilitate safe and appropriate suicide bereavement support groups. The new Standards & Guidelines and Practice Handbook sets out step-by-step how to structure and undertake suicide bereavement support group activity, allowing the provision of the safest support for people in a time of tragic loss. For information on these resources go to
How does MAF help?Our main goal is to break the taboo that exists across the sphere of mental health. To make it normal and easy to seek assistance when you are struggling. By raising awareness at a grassroots level we hope to bring these issues into the spotlight and raise money for charities that have the resources to help on the front line. Each year we hold the annual Walk For Awareness on the first Sunday in October, starting and finishing at Captain Burke Park under the Story Bridge to provide a platform for people to come and enjoy some entertainment and explore the many options available for anyone suffering from a mental illness. By providing this platform it is our hope and belief that over time the barriers, stigma, and taboos that surround mental illness will be broken down, and talking about our problems will become commonplace in our communities.
What charities does MAF support?The Mental Awareness Foundation is all about delivering fun, exciting, informative, exhilarating experiences within the communities. These such events will allow us to support charities that are raising awareness on Depression and Mental Illness to also be accepted and recognised. Check out who we have supported and the impacts that have been made on our About page.
Who is eligible?In order to be eligible for a grant, you will need to be a registered Queensland-based charity and provide your registration number.
How do I apply?Applications must be submitted online through a smart form by clicking on the “Apply for Grant” button on the Grant Opportunities page. Applications can be submitted throughout the year. To apply, you must: Complete the online funding application Provide all the information that is required Meet all of the assessment criteria Ensure that you have correctly completed all the mandatory fields. Once these have been completed correctly the form can be submitted.
What is the assessment criteria?Assessment criteria are as follows: How will the proposal meet the mission, vision and objectives of MAF? How will the outcome of the proposal have an impact on the mental health awareness system? What is the relevance or importance of the proposal to mental health prevention or awareness raising? Demonstrate what innovation(s) will be used to address an important area related to mental health awareness-raising or support? How will the proposal incorporate consumer engagement into its development and implementation? Can you provide any evidence of outcomes from previous mental health awareness funding sources?
How will my application be assessed?For an application to be considered for assessment, applications must meet the following minimum requirements: the application was lodged as directed and all compliant participant declarations have been uploaded. the application provides a response against all required information fields including each of the selection criteria. total funding requested does not exceed $25,000. the Applicant Declaration has been completed, and all statements have been confirmed to be true. Applications that are complete will proceed to assessment. The application will be referred to the MAF Advisory Committee, to assess the merit of the application against the selection criteria.
When will I hear about the outcome?Once your application is submitted, acknowledgement of your application is through an automatic receipt at the time of submission. MAF intends to provide outcome information within 2 months.
Who can I contact?For further information about research funding, or for assistance in completing an application, please contact MAF by email at:
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